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Breast Cancer Buddies


Our Organization

We provide a safe space where women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer can get the support and guidance they need to get through their battle.

Our Mission

The Breast Cancer Buddies Program offers compassionate support and essential resource connections at no cost to individuals diagnosed with breast cancer. Additionally, the program provides volunteer opportunities for those who have completed treatment and proudly wear the badge of a breast cancer survivor.


At Breast Cancer Buddies, we want to provide strength, encouragement and friendship to newly diagnosed patients and breast cancer survivors. 


If you or someone you know is going through this battle, we would love to have you join us.

​"Breast Cancer Buddies was founded in 2017, shortly after I became a survivor. Going through the journey, I realized just how crucial it was to have someone by my side who understood what I was experiencing, and I wanted to give others that same support. When I was first diagnosed, I longed to talk to someone who had gone through the same treatment I was about to face. It was difficult to find someone to connect with initially, but eventually, I met a recent survivor from my community. She offered me guidance and support that helped me through my treatment, shifting my emotions from feeling overwhelmed and frightened to encouraged and hopeful.  Later, I met my "buddy," who was diagnosed just a few weeks before I was. She has since become my very best friend, and together, we supported each other through every stage of our treatments and still do so to this day. Without my mentor and my best friend, I would have felt lost throughout this journey. Knowing the impact they had on my experience, I decided that once I completed my cancer treatment, I would create this program to support other women facing what I had. Everyone deserves someone to talk to who truly understands, and my hope is that Breast Cancer Buddies can help as many patients as possible feel comforted and supported during this overwhelming time."



Jillian Nalibotsky


Jillian Nalibotsky is a junior at Wootton High School, serving as the Breast Cancer Buddies president and chapter founder, as well as a member of Wootton's SGA, the president of Wootton's "Best Buddies" chapter, and a co-president of "So What Else". Jillian is very passionate about making a difference in a myriad of causes, and she successfully does so by being an active member and leader of these faucets of change. 

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